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About Us

Pro-Grow are part of Veolia, the biggest compost manufacturer in the UK, where we create 400,000 cubic metres of compost every year at our 11 composting sites. We also operate in 7 other countries and have access to a network of experts across the world. This means we can create the finest ingredients to use in our Pro-Grow products.

100% Peat Free

We are proud to say that we have never used peat in our products, and never will. Peat is a non-renewable resource, just like oil and coal, and its removal from peat-bogs results in the release of greenhouse gases and destruction of an important habitat for rare wildlife. Our customers can enjoy their purchase in the knowledge that they are helping to fight climate change, protect biodiversity, combat depletion of natural resources, and support the circular economy!

Manufactured from composted garden cuttings

At Pro-Grow, we use composted garden cuttings as the base ingredient for our products. This means that all the goodness in the plants is captured in our products and returned to the soil where it belongs. Collecting garden cuttings separately and composting them means they do not go to a landfill where they would decompose anaerobically and produce methane which is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

A Veolia owned product

Veolia operates 11 composting sites in the UK, processing over 400,000 tonnes of garden waste each year.

All our facilities are PAS100 and Quality Protocol certified and combined create 400,000 cubic metres of compost each year.


Ideal for every day use in the garden and large landscaping projects

Pro-Grow compost naturally contains high levels of nutrients, reducing the amount of artificial fertilisers that need to be added to get high performance.

Pro-Grow compost also contains high levels of organic matter which is a critical component of a healthy soil. It improves soil structure, water holding capacity, nutrient availability, healthy biological activity and water and air infiltration.

The Pro-Grow Range

Our peat-free range of horticultural products is 100% British made and 100% peat free. All of our products can be purchased in small handy bags for general gardening, bulk bags for professional growers and landscapers, and loose loads. 

Soil Conditioner Compost

Pro-Grow Soil Conditioner creates an overall much healthier soil, bringing about healthier vegetation and higher growth rates.

Pro-Grow Soil Conditioner can be used for turfing, creating raised beds, mulching, planting trees and shrubs, and general soil conditioning, and when mixed with garden soil is suitable for hanging baskets, pots and containers, growing fruit, herbs and vegetables, planting flowers and seeding.

Pro-Grow Soil Conditioner is screened to 0-10mm making it fine and free-flowing. Contains minimal sticks & stones, and maximum value!

We are the biggest manufacturer of this product in the UK with tonnes of specialist knowledge to ensure the best quality.

Premium Topsoil

Pro-Grow topsoil is a 100% British made product using a combination of nutrient rich, organic compost and horticultural sand. This sandy loam topsoil is the perfect solution for building raised beds, planting trees and shrubs and general landscaping.

Pro-Grow topsoil is provided at a consistent quality, screened at 10mm and is tested to the British Standard for multipurpose topsoil to ensure it is ideal for home growing and commercial use. All products made by Pro-Grow are 100% peat free, help to reduce our environmental impact and support a British circular economy.

Multi-Purpose Compost

A careful blend of peat-free ingredients which provide the perfect growing conditions for a wide range of plants at all ages.

This versatile multi-purpose compost is ideal for sowing seeds, rooting cuttings, transplanting seedlings, potting up containers & baskets and planting out in the garden. It encourages healthy root growth and will improve soil fertility. If used as a soil improver, it will break down heavy clay soils and add humus to sandy soils.

Pro-Grow Multi-Purpose Compost contains additional organic slow release fertiliser for long lasting performance.

All bulk ingredients used to make Pro-Grow Multi-Purpose Compost are manufactured in the UK, and our recipe does not contain imported coir.


Pro-Grow Rockdust is an ancient mineral-laden volcanic rockdust, rich in nutrients to boost soil and compost whilst capturing carbon. Pro-Grow Rockdust, has been selected to meet the diverse needs of every grower from the window box and patio tub gardener, to allotment holders and community gardeners and schools, to commercial growers, local authorities and landscape gardeners, and provides an organically approved way to increase healthy plant growth, and accelerate natural composting processes.

Double Screened Lawn Dressing

A very fine, dry compost created specifically for lawn top dressing. Pro-Grow Lawn Dressing Increases organic matter in your lawn to improve aeration and water holding capacity. This means water and air can easily reach the grass roots, and the soil will hold more moisture meaning it’s less likely to dry out in hot weather.

Decorative Bark Chip

Pro-Grow bark chip is a high quality, mixed bark chip to enhance the appearance of pathways, beds and borders. Perfect for mulching to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect plant roots. Also can be used for decorative purposes. A fast and attractive way to enhance the health and appearance of your garden.

Woodchip Mulch

Pro-Grow woodchip mulch is ideal to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect plant roots. It also breaks down over time to gradually release plant nutrients and improve soil structure.

Safemix Equestrian Bedding Bales

A blend of specially selected wood shavings and shredded soft wood fibre, Safemix Equestrian is a high-quality, affordable bedding solution developed specifically for equestrian use. Soft and absorbent, Safemix is comfortable, clean, and remains drier for longer, while staying in place well for a safe footing. Advanced manufacturing techniques that include two rigorous dust-extraction processes as well as powerful sanitisation, produce an ultra-clean and hygienic form of bedding.

Brown Rock Salt

Pro-Salt is a BS 3247 standard fine grade, fast acting de-icing salt for winter maintenance. Perfect for de-icing and clearing paths, steps and driveways.  Approximately 94% pure salt with the chief impurity being marl which gives the salt a reddish-brown colour. Certified to the British Standard 3247 specification.

The Pro-Grow Journey

From waste to rich organic compost or the Pro-Grow journey...

Ever wondered how we produce compost from garden waste?

Pro-Grow is made using a completely natural process.

We only add water and air in order to create the perfect conditions for the micro-organisms which are naturally present in the material to break down the organic matter and create a really high quality compost product.

  • Garden waste is collected by our collection crews
  • Then it is delivered to the composting facilities, where its origin is recorded
  • Any visible contaminants such as plastic, stones and metals are removed
  • The cleaned material is blended with other loads to ensure consistency
  • It is then shredded to reduce the size of larger fractions and ensure good mixing of green and woody materials The shredded material is formed into windrows 100 metres long and up to 3.5 metres high
  • The physical structure and constituent materials of the windrow are crucial in ensuring the conditions for composting are optimised
  • After formation of the windrow and optimisation of conditions the internal temperature of the window rises to at least 70 degrees centigrade and is maintained at that level for a minimum of 48 hours
  • This destroys any viable seeds or plant pathogens within the green waste
  • The windrows are then aerated, turned and mixed every 10-14 days for the next 4 months
  • When fully composted the material is graded according to customer requirements


After it all, we guarantee high quality organic compost that has been continually controlled to ensure we offer the best product to our customers

For any enquiries, please complete the form below or contact us at



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