Think like a bee, what are you looking for? How will you find it? Will you be safe from bigger bugs and birds? What if you get tired whilst your away from home?
Bumblebees are vitally important to our world, they pollinate hundreds of plant species and crops, and so we need to protect them. Letting your garden grow wild can provide a range of native flowers, bushes and grasses for bees, other insects and mini beasts to collect, feed, shelter and live in.
Simply leave an area of your garden uncut, dot with a mix of wild grass and wild flower seeds and leave it to grow.In the first year of establishing your wild garden, look to cut between one and four times during the year whilst controlling assertive weeds like thistles, nettles and docks by hand-weeding. Following this, just one or two cuts a year should be enough.
Wildlife prefers more natural and less pristine areas, so let it "bee" and you'll likely see a wider range of biodiversity moving in.
If you're struggling for space, why not make a potted wild garden using Pro-Grow Multi-Purpose compost sprinkled with wild flower and wild grass seeds?! Posted by Lucy Jones