The Veolia Grounds Maintenance Team, which serves the Colchester Council landscape contract, maintains the award-winning Castle Park. The team was looking to improve the soil condition and selected Pro-Grow to help improve the drainage on heave soil and provide all the nutrients a plant needs.
Andrew Fulcher, Manager of the Colchester grounds team, said: “We are delighted that we are able to source such a high quality product from our colleagues and use it to reinstate the flower beds at Castle Park. We hope to again create some award-winning displays in 2014 for the people of Colchester to enjoy.”
The Colchester Grounds team selected Pro Grow because it’s a peat-free soil conditioner. Using half a barrow load per square metre meant the team could get the texture and structure right for root development.
New flower beds were then reinstated in Castle Park, Colchester ready for planting to achieve their award-winning Spring and Summer displays!
23rd March 2014